The L8 Bloomers Podcast

Back & Better with Okemena

The L8 Bloomers Season 2 Episode 1

This solo episode is a bit personal as I delve into what's been keeping me occupied the past 6 months and how I've navigated through it.

I've been writing a lot recently, probably too much to share in an IG caption, so I thought it would be great to use this as an opportunity to kick off Season 2 whilst I'm based out here in Lagos.

This episode is all about the journey and whats been inspiring me recently:

1) Amanda Seales - Small Doses
2) Kadeem Tyrell - As Time Goes By 
3) Halftime -Netflix

So make sure you listen, subscribe and share with a fellow Bloomer. Also would like to connect with creatives and entrepreneurs in Lagos, we'd love to hear your stories! #stillwebloom