The L8 Bloomers Podcast

A Mother's Love & Tough Decisions with Carol Campayne

The L8 Bloomers Episode 8

Of all the powerful roles women seamlessly function in, being a mother must be one of the most powerful. Today, we celebrate mothers all over the world not only for their nurturing and femininity but for their grit and courage in the difficult situations they may find themselves and the hard decisions they have to make for themselves and their children despite the unbelievable drawbacks society and religion have against mothers married or unmarried.

In this week’s episode, my sister Kome and I, sit down with my Mama @carolcampayne and listen as she lets us into her journey thus far and shares her bloom story. This is probably the most candid conversation we’ve recorded before. We talk about what life was like for my mum growing up in Scotland and how she struggled with her identity being the only black girl in her school. She then describes the different times she found her voice and her move to Nigeria by boat at 14 years old and the impact that had on shaping the woman that she is. We talk about her toxic relationship and divorce and God granting her a second chance to find her soulmate. We talk about her mothering style and how it has grown and stretched her in many ways as well as the hard task of blending a family. We also discuss how her relationship with her own mother has shifted over the years. 
I love my mama, so it was a real honour to have her as a guest on The L8 Bloomers Podcast to talk about real-life ish!! 

This is a very raw and real episode that many will be able to relate too and hopefully learn from. So listen, share and subscribe for more of our amazing podcast content. #stillwebloom.