The L8 Bloomers Podcast
The L8 Bloomers Podcast
The Long Road to Healing with Penny Belle
This is a powerful episode with many deep healing points from the guest journey which and also be trigger points for some.
The episode looks into healing as a daily, sometimes painful and all-encompassing experience and not a one-stop shop for solving your problems. Many times we hear of these stories and the trauma that they leave behind but we never much about how people cope or survive on a day-to-day basis. In this episode, Penny shares her story with us and how she decided to make the most out of the struggles.
Penny Jarrett, also known as Penny Belle is a Christian writer, speaker, youth leader and mentor on a journey to help people understand their brains and break free from the crippling mental battles and blocks that they are feared with.
She was diagnosed with adult ADHD and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder at 30 with no prior knowledge of her condition or even what mental illnesses were, after this discovery, she decided to learn more about mental health and has now devoted her life to helping others deal with these similar situations as a wellness coach.
If you think you struggle with your mental health please be sure to seek professional advice through the following platforms: @psychologytoday @betterhelp